
Showing posts from April, 2020
The Slavoj Zizek Organization Hello friends and enemies. My name is Yusof Nazari and I am a young law student in the United States. I first learned of Slavoj Zizek many years ago, and became more interested and engaged in his work when his film, Pervert’s Guide to Ideology, was placed on Netflix. As a student of philosophy from a politically left family and upbringing, Zizek, to me, was one of the few contemporary philosophers who engaged with our modern world through the lens of socialist thought and critique of late capitalism. Furthermore, his use of Lacan, Hegel, and Marx to do so is even more important. He has also allowed himself, to the handwringing of many, to be understood by “regular people” (or as he would call them “idiots”) by engaging with the ways in which humans ACTUALLY communicate with eachother, like film, popular culture, news events, and dirty jokes. Because of this, I began to read many of his books, articles, and many many speeches over the...